A redesigned site for NDNCSMBF

A redesigned site for The North Devon and North Cornwall Short Mat Bowling Federation, which was established in 1987 to promote the game throughout the area.  Over the years it has grown to its present size of 34 Clubs and over 500 players.

The North Devon and North Cornwall Short Mat Bowling Federation

Over 50 Hugo Fox sites ‘dead’..

May 2024

Unfortunately over 50 bowls club websites have gone ‘dead’ this month.

This seems to be due to the web hosts Hugo Fox introducing new fees for sites that were previously hosted free of charge.

I suspect that some of these sites will reappear (if they decide to pay the fees) while some sites may appear elsewhere – so I’ll be keeping an eye on these.

Now a UK-only links directory

For operational reasons as of April 2024, bowlsclub.info website links will be limited to the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man, plus  selected international bowls-related websites.

Bowls website listings for other countries are now best served by their respective governing bodies, other dedicated bowls links sites, or a Google search.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

The Friends of English Bowling

If you love the game of bowls, and like the idea of putting something back into the sport, then please consider joining The Friends of English Bowling.

  • The biggest supporters of outdoor bowls in England, supporting the National Finals, assisting Youth Development, and Disability Bowls England.
  • Benefits in addition to supporting the sport, include:
    – The opportunity to play in many fixtures around the country, celebrating milestones in a club’s history.
    – Competing in the annual Two Wood Pairs Competition.
    – A lapel badge, bi-annual Newsletters and from Bowls England their latest news.

The Friends of English Bowling have had a bowlsclub.info-designed website here since 2014. The site has been given a new look for 2023.

Friends of English Bowling

Arnos Bowling Club

Another new site for this season – Arnos Bowling Club in Arnos Park, Arnos Grove, London.

Arnos Bowling Club